Eminent persons sign open letter in support of replacing the Lord’s Prayer

“We the undersigned support the proposal to replace the Lord’s Prayer from the start of parliamentary sitting days by allowing people of any faith, or none, to pray. The motion to be moved by Reason Party Leader Fiona Patten MLC underscores fairness; it would simply have the President of the Legislative Council open the day by instructing “Members to stand in silence and pray or reflect on their responsibilities to the people of Victoria’’. 

We believe it promotes community harmony, better protects freedom of religion and reflects the evolution of Australia from its Judeo-Christian heritage to its current and future diversity of culture and religion. 

The change would disadvantage no one, and makes space for all. It is an opportunity to honour principles that ought to guide every member of Parliament – fairness and freedom.”


Daniel Aghion, Gary Boumer, Jason Byrne, Ian Carson,
Dr Diana Cousens, Max Delany, Meredith Doig, Michael Gill,
Anna Krohn, Father Peter Macleod-Miller, Father Bob Maguire, Alistair Macrae,
Karen Mahlab, Pat McGorry, Simon McKeon, Paul Mercurio,
Eddie Micallef, William Mora, Heidi Nicholl,