Fiona Patten MP Presents Bill to Regulate Ridesharing Services in Victoria

Member for Northern Metropolitan and Australian Sex Party Leader Fiona Patten MP has moved to create legislation that will provide a legal framework for services like Uber in Victoria.

The Regulation of Ridesharing Bill 2016 will establish a system for regulation, accreditation and administration of ridesharing services across the state.

“The Andrews Government has taken far too long to act on regulating ridesharing,” said Ms Patten.  “While other states and territories have been able to tackle this issue, whether in a regulatory or legislative environment, Victoria seems incapable of doing so. Services like Uber are part of our new sharing economy and they aren’t going away.

“The issue of ridesharing seems to be permanently stalled on Transport Minister Jacinta Allen’s desk,” she said. “Roundtables and endless discussions don’t seem to have provided a solution to how we move forward with services like Uber. This means more uncertainty for the public and more uncertainty for both ridesharing and taxi drivers alike. We need to create the guidelines for a fair and safe system.”

“It’s time for a circuit breaker – and I believe this piece of legislation will do exactly that. This can be done this year.”

“Premier Daniel Andrews and Public Transport Minister Jacinta Allen must act – we simply can’t let this drag on any longer.”

Ms Patten will introduce the Regulation of Ridesharing Bill 2016 into the Upper House this coming Thursday February 11.

For interviews, comment or photo opportunities contact Jorian Gardner 0466 694 197.