MP Fiona Patten Condemns Drug Executions by Indonesia and Urges Aussies to Change Travel Plans

MP Fiona Patten Condemns Drug Executions by Indonesia and Urges Aussies to Change Travel Plans

It has been announced by Indonesian authorities that the execution of at least 14 condemned drug traffickers from five nations is imminent.

I strongly condemn the actions of the Indonesian Government and urge President Joko Widodo to halt this senseless action which is tantamount to state sanctioned murder. Indonesia’s use of the death penalty is contrary to international human rights law and is carried out in a bizarre and particularly barbaric manner.

Capital punishment does not rehabilitate the guilty. It condemns the loved-ones of prisoners to a life sentence of anguish, of media harassment and to mourn for what is a senseless loss for the rest of their lives.

I urge Australians to reconsider any travel plans they may have to Indonesia, in particular Bali, and look to other holiday destinations where citizens are not murdered in the name of the lost ‘war on drugs’.

Contact: Jorian Gardner – 0466 694 197