MP Fiona Patten to push for state regulation on ride-sharing service Uber

UBER drivers will face criminal history checks and be banned from driving cars that are more than 10 years old under a long-awaited plan to legalise ride-sharing services in Victoria.

Sex Party MP Fiona Patten will unveil her private member’s Bill in the Victorian upper house this week in a bid to force the Andrews Government into action after months of delays.

The proposed legislation will mean drivers being banned if convicted of sex crimes, violent offences and some drug charges and operators will face fines of more than $181,000 if they fail to comply with new requirements.

The proposed law comes after Uber was effectively legalised last month when a driver won a court appeal against a fine for working for the ride-sharing service.

But Victoria has yet to introduce some form of regulation for the service.

Ms Patten said Labor had “underestimated the public’s mood’’ and she was forced to introduce the Bill in a bid to spark action.

“I am at a complete loss as to why the Andrews Government and Transport Minister Jacinta Allan have been dragging out the issue of regulating ride-sharing services,” she said.

“I can only presume they are suffering the backlash of the taxi industry but this matter simply can’t wait any longer.’’

Earlier this year the price of perpetual taxi licences plummeted to $158,000, down from $515,000, as the industry reeled from the rise of new industry players.


Business owners and ride-share facilitators will be the targets of the Bill, holding them accountable for their drivers and the vehicles they use.

Compensation for present taxi licence holders is not included in the Bill but the plan is expected to pave the way for future regulation for taxi owners who have been affected financially.

Ms Allan said the Bill would be considered by the Government and must be “workable, fair to existing industry participants and protects access to taxi and hire car services for people with a disability”.

The Victorian Greens and the Coalition have previously backed legalising the industry.

The move could spur the Government to introduce its own laws as it previously has taken elements of private members’ Bills to create its own.

This occurred on Ms Patten’s push for buffer zones around abortion clinics and the Shooter and Fishers’ proposed gun laws.

It is understood the Bill will be taken to Cabinet but it is understood the Andrews Government has not yet decided an official position.
