Strong sensible path for dignity in death
Leader of the Australian Sex Party and Victorian MP Fiona Patten has applauded the clear path forward recommended by the Ministerial Advisory Panel helping shape Victoria’s Dying with Dignity legislation.
“Starting with the Inquiry into End of Life Choices I initiated recommending dying with dignity laws, this is the most comprehensive process ever undertaken to ensure a strong, sensible legislative framework,” Ms Patten said.
The comprehensive parliamentary inquiry into End of Life Choices received well over 1000 submissions and held numerous public hearings around the state. The Ministerial Advisory Panel also consulted broadly with the community and experts.
“I think the framework developed reflects the position of the community and is a very cautious approach,” Ms Patten said.
“The strongest safeguards in the world will underpin Victoria’s legislation, developed by eminent medical practitioners and leaders in end-of-life choices care.
“At the moment, when someone is suffering with a terminal illness, when they are in pain and facing only more suffering, the law says they have no choice but to put up with it. Their family and friends also suffer the anguish of watching their loved ones slowly die in pain.
“We heard so many tragic accounts of terminally ill people going to extreme lengths to die. They died alone and often in violent circumstances. We can do better and I saw first-hand how compassionate legislation like this can be.”
“I am proud to have set the ball rolling on this critical change. Everyone should have the right to die with the dignity they choose.”