We will continue to argue for sensible, evidence-based drug policy reform
Treat addiction as a health issue, not a criminal issue, adopting the ‘Portuguese Model’, costings here
Tax and regulate cannabis, taking revenue away from black market crime syndicates, costings here.
Trial prescription hydromorphine to break the central link between addiction and offending
Take a ‘Four Pillar’ approach to drug‑related expenditure that adds ‘treatment’ to the existing pillars of demand reduction, supply reduction and harm reduction.
Implement all 50 recommendations of the Parliamentary Inquiry into Drug Law Reform 2018
Legalise e-cigarettes and vaping as a recognised nicotine replacement therapy
Expanded Medically Supervised Injecting Centres based on the success of North Richmond
Permit people who are prescribed medicinal cannabis to drive if their driving is not impaired, as per every other prescription medication.
Trial front-of-house pill testing in Victoria at live music events, costings here