Fiona Patten’s ‘End of Life Choices Inquiry’ Delivers Report Today
Just over a year ago, I stood in the parliament of Victoria and initiated the End of Life Choices Inquiry. Today, the inquiry findings have been released and the conclusion is clear – Victorians want the right to end intolerable suffering if they choose to. It is the individuals choice as to the manner and nature of their death. It’s your life – it should be your choice.
This inquiry has been the highlight of my career. The final report was developed through extensive consultation, travel, and research. It is so much more than simply choosing when we die – it advocates for comprehensive planning to allow us control and support towards the end of our lives.
To everyone who shared their experiences, their professional opinions, their hopes and their concerns, thank you. To my colleagues, and the wonderful staff of the inquiry, thank you.
But now the hard work on the back of this inquiry really begins. It is time for all parties in our parliamentary system to come together and draft legislation that allows for dying with dignity laws. I will work tirelessly until this is done.