Notice of Motion – e-petitions
MS PATTEN — To move —
That this House —
(1) notes —
(a) that despite the introduction of e-petitions in the Legislative Council in 2017, there is no obligation for the Parliament to do anything once an e-petition has been tabled;
(b) the benefits of improving community engagement with the political process;
(2) requires the Procedure Committee to inquire into, consider and report, by Thursday, 20 June 2019 on any Sessional Orders or changes to Standing Orders that would provide
e-petition reform, including appropriate procedures to require the —
(a) relevant Minister, or Member of the Legislative Council representing the relevant Minister in the Legislative Assembly, to table a written response to an e-petition within 14 days of that e-petition being tabled in the Legislative Council;
(b) Legislative Council to debate the issue raised in an e-petition upon reaching a certain threshold of petitioners to be fixed by the House;
and calls on the Government to implement e-petition reform no later than 1 January 2020.
[Notice given on 19 February 2019 — Listed for 3 days].