Council Home Support Services
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:41:26): My constituency question is directed to the Treasurer.
Earlier this year I met with the Darebin group called Does Council Care. They have been campaigning to have council-run home support services quarantined from the application of national competition rules. They point out that mayor Susan Rennie wrote to the Treasurer in December last year requesting that the government exempt home support services from the application of national competition policies.
These residents are encouraged that Darebin is considering a trial but are concerned that council will still have to apply fully cost-reflective pricing even if a public interest test was applied.
Given Australians overwhelmingly choose to stay at home for as long as possible and that councils are well placed to offer these services, I ask the Treasurer: will he provide clear advice on how Darebin can proceed with their proposed trial and whether changes to competitive neutrality are possible?
Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
Constituency question asked 31/10/19