Fire services property levy and the Catholic Church

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Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:00:31) — My question is for the Special Minister of State, representing the Treasurer in this place, and it relates to the fire services property levy. The 2016 annual report of Catholic Church Insurance, in its ‘Notes to the financial statements’ under ‘Other assets’, includes a line item ‘Deferred fire service levy expenses’ in the amount of $3.15 million. Can the minister explain why Catholic Church Insurance were holding assets of this class and whether these deferred levies have since been collected by the state?

Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:01:30) — I thank the minister for his frankness there. Budget paper 5 lists $22 million in forgone revenue pertaining to the fire services property levy. What proportion of this $22 million in forgone fire services levy pertains to Catholic Church assets?