Nicholson Street works

Home » Nicholson Street works


Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (13:11:22): My constituency question is for the Minister for Public Transport. A resident of Nicholson Street has written to me in relation to Public Transport Victoria’s plans to close Nicholson Street for 17 days in January.

The residents have been told that they will have no access to the street while the tram works are underway and that all cars will need to be removed from their homes before 1 January or they will be inaccessible for the entire period. It has also been suggested that there will be no pedestrian crossing permitted along an over 2-kilometre stretch of Nicholson Street.

Thousands of residents will not be able to drive, cycle or even walk from their homes, and no alternatives have been proposed.

So my constituent asks: can the minister offset these difficulties by offering alternative parking or temporary permits for street parking during this period, or even free Mykis to cover travel by public transport during the works?


Fiona Patten MP

Leader of Reason

Member for Northern Metropolitan Region

Constituency question 26/11/19