Public Housing
MS PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (14:22:20) — My question is for the Treasurer, represented in this house by Minister Jennings. There are 24 800 Victorians who are homeless and over 80 000 are on public housing waiting lists. In looking at creative solutions to this, I note the success of build-to-rent schemes in overseas jurisdictions, which provide affordable, long-term and flexible rentals. In fact Australian superannuation funds right now are investing in build-to-rent developments in the United States and Europe. The reason they are not investing here is that our tax system disincentives this type of product, stripping away the margins that would be attractive to investors and with them the greatest potential of this type of housing stock to assist in our shortages of social and affordable housing, which is why I ask: what is the minister doing to address this issue and stimulate investment of this type in Victoria?
MS PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (14:26:46) — Thank you, Minister. Has the minister considered long-term leasing of government land for the purpose of build-to-rent rather than selling government land off to the private market so as to retain its strategic assets while also presenting an option that would allow for investment into affordable housing stock?