Station St / Collins St Thornbury
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:16): My constituency question is for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety in the other place. Anna, a resident of Thornbury in my electorate of Northern Metropolitan, has approached my office regarding concerns about the ‘keep clear’ sign currently on the corner of Station Street and Collins Street in Thornbury. She says that the ‘keep clear’ sign is painted on the road and at a very strange angle, so it is not parallel to the road. It is impossible to read and it is actually causing blockages in that carriageway. She says it disrupts the flow of traffic in the vicinity and has potential to cause a serious accident. Will the minister address Thornbury residents’ concerns and instruct his department to assess this potential traffic hazard?
Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
Constituency question 25/5/21
The Department of Transport (DoT) has inspected your constituent’s concern relating to the KEEP CLEAR marking. Station Street is not aligned perpendicular to Collins Street so the Keep Clear line marking does appear to be at an angle from Collins Street. DoT has advised the marking has been correctly implemented so that it is legible and aligned for motorists travelling northbound on Station Street.
This KEEP CLEAR arrangement is like many others across the road network. The KEEP CLEAR marking is there to help vehicles turning right into Collins Street from Station Street and helps to reduce the likelihood of queues being formed (behind right turning vehicles) and across the nearby pedestrian crossing.
I encourage your constituent to contact DoT-VicRoads directly on 13 11 70 for all traffic enquiries should they have any further concerns.
The Hon Ben Carroll MP
Minister for Public Transport
Minister for Roads and Road Safety