Women in prison
Apr 7, 2022
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:05): My question is for the Attorney-General. The Crime Statistics Agency has shown that between 2012 and 2018 the number of women entering prison increased from 333 to 825, with a percentage increase in women entering prison on remand and a percentage decrease in women entering under sentence. In fact the criminal justice inquiry also heard that 70 to 90 per cent of incarcerated women have experienced sexual abuse, family violence and trauma.
Remand numbers post the 2018 Bail Act 1977 changes have worsened still, showing that the bail reforms predicated on protecting women are actually working...
Beveridge quarry
Mar 24, 2022
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:41): (1715) My constituency question is for the Minister for Resources and relates to the proposed quarry in Beveridge in my electorate. I have recently sat down with local community members who highlighted their concerns that the quarry will bring dust, noise, congestion, pollution and vibrations and be a significant eyesore. They say it will irrevocably tear a hole right in the heart of their community. I note that the minister recently confirmed in this chamber that this issue very much falls within her responsibilities as she has the resources portfolio. So my constituents ask: will...
Religious tax exemptions
Mar 23, 2022
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:33): My question is for the minister representing the Treasurer and relates to tax exemptions for religious organisations. Currently the Duties Act 2000 provides an exemption for transfer duty to a corporation or body established for a religious purpose.
Further, it provides an exemption from transfer duty for the so-called charitable purpose of the advancement of religion. Whereas exemptions for land tax look specifically at use and only apply to land used exclusively for charitable purposes, the exemption for transfer duty is much broader.
As we know from media reports, Catholic Church properties reportedly include offices, residences, car...
Afghan refugee journalists
Mar 10, 2022
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:36): My question is for the Minister for Multicultural Affairs. After the terrifying fall of Kabul to the Taliban thousands of Afghan refugees were welcomed into Victoria. Many have been staying in temporary accommodation in my electorate, including a group of journalists who fled the Taliban, to whom this question relates.
These highly educated and hard-working refugees are proficient in multiple languages, including English. They have worked for media companies such as Al Jazeera and Deutsche Welle. It would be a mistake to waste their knowledge and skills when their communication proficiency would be an asset to...
International students
Mar 10, 2022
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:03): My question is for the Minister for Higher Education. Last week I met with the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in relation to their state budget submission. One of their policy ideas that they presented to me was to provide financial support to internationals students so that they can pick Victoria over other states and countries. We know that internationals students are vital to hold up our education sector but, as we have also seen, vital to our hospitality sector, vital for an injection of spending and vital to tourism. So my question is:...
Unsafe public housing
Feb 24, 2022
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:57): (1656) My constituency question is for the Minister for Housing, and it is in regard to the quality and safety of public housing sites in Glenroy.
My office has actually received a number of complaints from residents around that area about the poor quality and safety of the three separate public housing sites on Daley Street and Isla Avenue in Glenroy.
There have been reports of fires and squatters moving into the damaged and degraded units. The situation seems to be becoming increasingly volatile, and it is posing risks not only to the community but to the...
Medicinal cannabis
Feb 24, 2022
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:32): My question is for the Minister for Workplace Safety. Last week I met with a really beautiful man called Warren Brown, whose arm was really sadly very badly crushed in a workplace accident a number of years ago.
He is like many other patients on workers compensation, who are meant to receive payment for reasonable medical costs resulting from their injuries, but they are being uniformly denied remuneration for legally prescribed medicinal cannabis by WorkCover.
This is despite having full state and federal approvals and having exhausted all treatment options, including opioid analgesics and ketamine treatments. They...
Live music venue density limits
Feb 10, 2022
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (1623)
Incorporated pursuant to order of Council of 7 September 2021:
My constituency question is for the Minister for Health and relates to COVID regulations as they apply to a specific venue in my electorate.
Simone Pulga, the owner of the Butterfly Club, a theatre venue in Melbourne’s CBD, has difficulty interpreting the density limits. The theatre is allowed 100 per cent, but he can only have 50 per cent density in the bar—which patrons must walk through to access the theatre. He would like to know whether he should comply with the 50 per cent density for the...
Birth certificates
Feb 9, 2022
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:38): My question is for the Attorney-General, and it relates to birth certificates. Currently in Victoria we do not allow a person who does not fit a very narrow and conventional relationship description to be listed on a child’s birth certificate.
They have to be a spouse or they have to be living together on a domestic basis. For example, a constituent of mine wants to donate sperm and actively co-parent but they are not in a traditional relationship.
We discussed this in this chamber last year and I understand the department was doing some work on it,...
Feb 8, 2022
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (13:21): My question is for the minister for medical research, Minister Pulford. Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory condition that affects one in nine women.
The pain is sharp, with sufferers describing it as like a knife twisting inside their stomach. Patients are typically prescribed opioids or even benzodiazepines, and these are slow acting but addictive. Sufferers commonly present to emergency departments due to the severity of the pain.
Dr Mike Armour, senior research fellow in reproductive health at the University of Western Sydney, and his team are looking to launch a longitudinal study as to whether medicinal cannabis...