Local Government Rates
Petition, 24/11/15
Fiona Patten MLC (Northern Metropolitan):
To the Legislative Council of Victoria –
The petition of certain citizens of the state of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the tremendous injury to be caused to the Victorian community by the imposition of a rates capping and variation system on Victorian local government. The imposition of such a system shall have adverse consequences for local ratepayers via significant reductions in local services and local infrastructure, with major losses for local government employment. This matter exacerbates funding cuts enforced via the commonwealth freeze of federal assistance grant indexation, which has already cost Victoria’s councils millions in lost revenue. Further, the rates capping model will not deliver any appreciable cost of living relief for Victorian ratepayers. Nor will rate capping actually succeed in capping rates for all Victorian ratepayers. We also fear the de facto loss of local government’s independence due to the external interference rate capping represents.
The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council refuse legislation or regulation that aims to impose a rate cap on Victorian local government.
By Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (1289 signatures).
Laid on table.
Ordered to be considered next day on motion of Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan).