Hon. Jane Garrett MP
Covid-19 vaccination
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (13:10): I move:
That the bill be now read a second time.
When the USA Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, and with it nearly 40 years of women’s abortion rights, it caused shock waves here. In Victoria, thousands took to the street in protest. My sense was that the loss of that principle in the USA felt like a loss to women and gender-diverse people everywhere. We felt acutely the stripping of autonomy and the...
Wallan Quarry
Ms Patten: President, I present a petition bearing 1,320 signatures from certain citizens of Victoria requesting that the Legislative Council call on the Government to reject the permit for the proposed quarry in the Beveridge northwest precinct and introduce legislation to prevent the development of quarries within the urban growth boundary in Mitchell Shire.
I move -- That the petition do lie on the table.Fiona Patten MP Leader of Reason Member for Northern Metropolitan Region Petition tabled 9/6/22
...Appropriation (2022-2023) Bill 2022
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (18:39): I rise to speak to this cognate debate and in doing so respond to the state budget, and I think it is not surprising that the headline issue on this budget is the state’s health system. We know that this budget does go to trying to ease some of those pressure points that the pandemic really brought to the front, but we know that the health system has had those pressure points for a number of years and certainly COVID and...