Category: Evidence based criminal justice responses

We will adopt evidence based ‘smart-on-crime’ approaches proven to reduce offending and reoffending. Since 2015, our prison population has soared by 20%, with 44% of prisoners reoffending and returning to prison within 2 years. Existing major party policy stands to worsen this, whereas our whole of government approach will reduce reoffending and focus on the causes of crime. (Costings here).

— Prisons focused on interventions that prevent reoffending, not just warehousing criminals

— Youth Justice facilities that make the community safer by rehabilitating and reintegrating children into society, run by qualified educators

— Raising the age of criminal responsibility from 10 to 14

— Increased funding for diversion and early intervention programs that divert low level offenders away from crime and reduce reoffending by as much as 92%

— Compulsory youth drug-rehabilitation based on the What Can Be Done report recommendations

— Adopt the recommendations of the Victoria Ombudsman’s 2015 report into the prison system including an end to the re-traumatising routine strip-searches of women prisoners

— Cultural competency training for law enforcement agencies

— Ensure the criminal justice system protects and supports victims of sexual offences

— Introduce a spent convictions scheme for Victoria

— Amend bail laws to address the over representation of non-violent female offenders on remand

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