Beveridge quarry

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Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:41): (1715) My constituency question is for the Minister for Resources and relates to the proposed quarry in Beveridge in my electorate. I have recently sat down with local community members who highlighted their concerns that the quarry will bring dust, noise, congestion, pollution and vibrations and be a significant eyesore. They say it will irrevocably tear a hole right in the heart of their community. I note that the minister recently confirmed in this chamber that this issue very much falls within her responsibilities as she has the resources portfolio. So my constituents ask: will the minister provide information that confirms that the community’s concerns have been heard and authentically considered and that the quarry will be rejected?


Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
Constituency question 24/3/22




Answered: 7 April 2022

I thank the Member for her question and assure her the views and needs of all Victorians are central to all decisions that fall within my Ministerial portfolios. This absolutely includes my assessment of proposed extractives projects, which aim to ensure accessible and affordable quarry-based construction material supplies are available near to where new infrastructure and housing is being built.


As Minister for Resources, I am committed to facilitating quarrying where those operations align with the objectives and requirements set out in the Minerals Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990. Furthermore, I assure you that stringent and robust processes must be adhered to before any new quarrying operations are approved, including close consultation with nearby communities.


With respect to the proposed quarry located in the Beveridge/Wallan area, the application process has coincided with a broader planning decision for the Beveridge North West Precinct Structure Plan (PSP). The planning process for this area included extensive public consultation, which concluded on 31 January 2022. To ensure a coordinated planning outcome is achieved, the PSP and planning permit application for the proposed quarry will be considered at the same time. The Minister for Planning is the final decision-maker for both matters.


An independent Ministerial Advisory Committee has been appointed to consider the matters raised during public consultation. The public hearing process will commence on 9 May 2022 and will ensure the views of the community are considered in a transparent and authentic manner. Five weeks has been set down to allow adequate time to ensure all issues are clearly understood and rigorously assessed by committee members before final recommendations are provided to the Minister for Planning.


Hon Jaala Pulford MP
Minister for Resources