Coburg High School

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Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:39): (1780) My constituency question is for the Minister for Education. My constituent is a parent at Coburg High School. They ask why the following non-government Catholic schools have received capital funding since 2019—St Fidelis School, St Paul’s Primary School, Penola Catholic College and St Francis de Sales—whereas Coburg High School has not received any capital funding.

While Coburg High School has grown exponentially over the last six years and has a population of 1250 students—well in excess of any nearby inner-north secondary school—Coburg High has only two permanent specialist rooms, resulting in an under-entitlement of six permanent specialist rooms.

Coburg High is entitled to six permanent and one relocatable science room; however, the school only contains four permanent science rooms. Students at Coburg High are now currently receiving their music lessons in a storeroom.


Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
Constituency question 12/5/22




Answered: 30 May 2022

The Andrews Labor Government is committed to growing educational opportunities for all Victorians. We have invested $12.8 billion over the past 8 years to build new schools and modernise existing educational facilities across Victoria. Our ongoing challenge, however, is to responsibly balance and prioritise the needs of over 1,570 government schools, all in varying condition.

Non-government schools are an important part of Victoria’s education system. With over one-third of Victorian students studying at Catholic or independent schools, we recognise the importance of the non-government school sector in meeting the educational needs of a diverse range of students across the State.

Regarding government schools, the Government invested $1.8 billion in the 2022–23 State Budget to build and improve schools across the State, including $616 million to upgrade 67 schools, delivering classrooms and spaces to support a positive learning environment for local children.

I am pleased to confirm that we have allocated $50,000 to Coburg High School. This funding will be used to develop a masterplan to prepare for a future upgrade and modernisation project.

The school was also allocated $1.9 million in the 2017–18 State Budget to upgrade and modernise its main buildings and build a new outdoor-learning area. These works were completed in the second quarter of 2019.

The school was also allocated $91,950 under the first round of the Minor Capital Works Fund (MCWF) in 2020. With almost 1,200 applications submitted by more than 75% of government schools, I am pleased that the school was successful in securing funding to refurbish the toilets and improve hygiene, cleanliness, and amenity. These works have now been completed.

The Department of Education and Training is mindful that enrolment growth pressures are being felt in several communities, including in the City of Moreland. The department will continue to work closely with the school to monitor future enrolment growth and address any accommodation issues, as they arise. In the meantime, the priority order of placement—outlined in the department’s Placement Policy—will continue to ensure that the school can successfully manage its enrolment numbers.

I am pleased to note that following an assessment of the school’s teaching spaces, the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) and the department’s Regional Office delivered 3 additional relocatable buildings to the school for the start of the 2022 school year under the Relocatable Buildings Program, including one Mod-5 general purpose classroom building, one Mod-4 art building, and one Mod-4 science building.

Regarding the school’s broader maintenance requirements, the Rolling Facilities Evaluation (RFE) program is auditing the condition of every Victorian school over a 5-year period. As you are aware, the school’s RFE condition assessment was undertaken in September 2019.

Following the condition assessment, schools are required to develop a 5-year School Maintenance Plan (SMP). The SMP supports schools to address maintenance issues and establish a program of routine maintenance activities to prevent their recurrence and support the upkeep of school facilities. I understand the school is in the process of developing its SMP, and the VSBA will continue to support the school in finalising it.

Furthermore, I can confirm that following its RFE condition assessment, the school was allocated $25,000 as part of the 2019–20 Planned Maintenance Program (PMP) to address high-priority tasks identified in its RFE condition assessment, such as lighting replacements, painting and revarnishing, tree trimming, repairs to ramps and external landscaping and paving works. Additionally, the school was recently allocated $115,000, as part of the Term 4 2021 PMP for high-priority maintenance tasks identified in the school’s specialist assessment, to address roof issues. The expected completion date for this project is the last quarter of 2023.

I can assure you that the needs of all schools, including Coburg High School, will continue to be considered when determining future priorities for the capital works program. We will continue to use all available data when recommending funding in future State Budgets.

I trust this information is of assistance.


The Hon James Merlino, MP
Deputy Premier
Minister for Education
Minister for Mental Health