Kangaroos in Epping

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Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (14:47:23) — My constituent is a resident of Epping and is concerned about the welfare of the kangaroo population that has been landlocked by the surrounding developments. On 25 July 2017, using a five-year-old piece of advice, the Secretary of the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning issued an authorisation to cull these 400 landlocked kangaroos. My constituent’s question is: why has the department opted for a cull when there is an alternative available consisting of the relocation of the Epping kangaroos to private sites where at least six landholders have offered to accept the kangaroos, particularly where those who are prepared to assist in the safe relocation include volunteers, veterinary surgeons, experienced wildlife nurses, the Australian Society for Kangaroos volunteers and private landholders?