Live music venue density limits

Home » Live music venue density limits


Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (1623)

Incorporated pursuant to order of Council of 7 September 2021:

My constituency question is for the Minister for Health and relates to COVID regulations as they apply to a specific venue in my electorate.

Simone Pulga, the owner of the Butterfly Club, a theatre venue in Melbourne’s CBD, has difficulty interpreting the density limits. The theatre is allowed 100 per cent, but he can only have 50 per cent density in the bar—which patrons must walk through to access the theatre. He would like to know whether he should comply with the 50 per cent density for the entire venue, or can he open the theatre to 100 per cent density?


Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
Constituency question 10/2/22