Will Sex Work Ministerial Advisory Committee reappoint members?
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) — My question is to the Minister for Consumer Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation, and it is an issue that has been raised with me by a number of legal businesses in Melbourne. A ministerial advisory committee is established under section 67 of the Victorian Sex Work Act 1994 to advise the minister and assist with regulation and control of the sex work industry; liaison with Victoria Police; referring investigations to WorkSafe, the tax office, immigration et cetera; and developing educational programs and sex health information. However, despite these incredibly important functions of the Sex Work Ministerial Advisory Committee, it has not met in this term of government, a chair has not been appointed, and the terms of all the members lapsed in November 2016. Given the rising number of illegal brothels in Melbourne, when will the minister reappoint members and reconvene the committee?
The PRESIDENT — Order! Ms Patten, can you bring that back to your own electorate, please?
Ms PATTEN — This was raised by legal businesses in Melbourne. I can give you the names of those businesses; they are in my electorate.
The PRESIDENT — Can you give me a locality, at least, to hang my hat on?
Ms PATTEN — Yes; North Melbourne.
The PRESIDENT — Thank you. I will not be checking it out!