Covid-19 emergency sitting suspension of standing and sessional orders

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Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (10:31): I would like to rise to speak to support this motion; it is quite complicated for one day of sitting. To find the support and the collaboration of over 11 different parties in this, I think, was very good work and was very good collaboration.

Most importantly, as Dr Ratnam mentioned, it includes a resumption of Parliament, because I know that our constituents and Victorians as a whole would like to be seeing the Parliament sitting probably more and not less during this time of crisis. The scrutiny in uncertain times, when people are feeling very uncertain of what the future holds for them, is most important, as is that the Parliament is here and is sitting.

Again I would like to thank the government for their willingness to work with us in a very collaborative way. I have enjoyed working with the crossbench on our regular Zoom meetings to find common ground in this area. I will miss the contributions of people personally, but I look forward to reading Hansard.


Fiona Patten MP

Leader of Reason

Member for Northern Metropolitan Region

Motion by Ms Symes 23/4/20