E-petition tabled to save Queen Victoria Market
Legislative Council electronic petition:
The petition of certain citizens of the state of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the City of Melbourne’s proposal to redevelop the Queen Victoria Market that will dismantle and remove heritage-listed structures at Queen Victoria Market in order to excavate and construct underground storage space and convert the market into an entertainment, dining and event precinct — none of which is in the interest of a fresh food market. The Queen Victoria Market is where family businesses provide personal contact, quality fresh produce and merchandise, colour and noise, and diversity and price competitiveness, and it provides the opportunity for tourists to join the people of Melbourne in an internationally recognised cultural activity.
The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council call on the Victorian government to —
(1) urgently legislate to prevent the dismantling and excavation of the Queen Victoria Market;
(2) put a moratorium on future market development until there has been proper consultation with the market traders and the community at large;
(3) affirm the Queen Victoria Market as a historic, working market serving local Melbourne and Victorian residents and visitors, which reflects the cultural history, diversity and palates of Melbourne and Victoria; and
(4) consider the impact of any changes to the market on the livelihoods of traders and the heritage value and ongoing viability of the Queen Victoria Market.
By Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (1444 signatures).
Laid on table.