BobKeeper Easter Appeal
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (09:58): I have been asked to use my members statement call on members and to encourage members to remember Bob Keeper. Father Bob has relaunched his Bob Keeper appeal for this Easter, and this year he is hoping to expand his open pantry project, which is out at Banksia Gardens in Broadmeadows. Currently it helps 400 families fill their pantries twice a week. He is hoping that this year his appeal will be able to extend that assistance to another 100 families. These families are largely refugee families, largely from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Lebanon.
Father Bob is also providing funds for soccer scholarships with the Melbourne City Football Club academy. Last year he was able to provide three scholarships, which was wonderful, to Ali, Mumtaz and Sajjad. They really were so grateful for the opportunity. And what it does is it provides this fantastic protective factor and it provides this great protection for these young kids, many of whom have grown up with disadvantage and escaped war-torn areas. So on behalf of Father Bob, I would like to encourage us all to support Bob Keeper and give generously in 2022.
Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
Members statement 6/4/22