Facebook Live: Q&A with Fiona Patten MP & Dr Alex Wodak AM

Home » Facebook Live: Q&A with Fiona Patten MP & Dr Alex Wodak AM

Fiona and Alex will be discussing Drug Law Reform in Victoria. This will include conversation on the new North Richmond Medically Supervised Safe Injecting Centre.

You can submit questions during the Q&A or before hand by commenting on Fiona’s Facebook event page.

Dr Alex Wodak AM is a physician and the director of the Alcohol and Drug Service, at St Vincent’s Hospital, in Sydney. He is President of the Australian Drug Law Reform Foundation and was President of the International Harm Reduction Association. Wodak is a notable advocate of drug reform laws. He helped establish the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, the NSW Users AIDS Association, and the Australian Society of HIV Medicine. He also helped open Australia’s first needle exchange programme and the first medically supervised injecting centre in Kings Cross.

Register your interest or submit your questions here