Acquired Brain Injury awareness

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Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:56:24):

My constituency question today is for the Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

Recently I met with Peta Ferguson from North Melbourne. She has an acquired brain injury and is absolutely brilliant as an advocate through her work with Brain Injury Matters, which is a self-advocacy resource unit.

Brain Injury Matters aims to empower people living with an acquired brain injury by providing peer support to alleviate the isolation and marginalisation experienced by people with an ABI.

Peta and her colleagues are of the view that there should be more training for police, prison officers and PSOs on ABI awareness—and I agree, given the prison stats on ABI.

My question is: what training programs does the government currently have in place that cover ABI awareness for police, prison officers and PSOs?


The PRESIDENT: In regard to your electorate?


Ms PATTEN: Yes, this is a Northern Metropolitan organisation.


The PRESIDENT: Thank you.

Fiona Patten MP

Leader of Reason

Member for Northern Metropolitan Region

Constituency question asked 15/10/19