Providing Tenants Greater Housing Security
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) — My constituency question is to the Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing. With over 1 million Victorians renting, the housing market is highly competitive and very volatile. Given the proximity to the CBD and universities, Northern Metropolitan Region is a very desirable area, particularly for students and low-income earners. They make up a large proportion of the rental market, and obviously their housing security can be easily compromised. There are many mechanisms for landlords to evict tenants for a range of reasons or to refuse an ongoing lease, and I have been notified of a number of tenants who found themselves given very little notice to vacate with few specified reasons, so I am asking the minister to consider repealing section 263 of the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 in order to allow tenants greater housing security. There are lots of other mechanisms to protect landlords within the act, and section 263 seems very discriminatory to — —
The DEPUTY PRESIDENT — Order! The member’s time has expired.