Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan)
My adjournment matter is for the Treasurer.
The action I seek is for the government to immediately invest in toilet and rubbish bins at Edinburgh Gardens.
Edinburgh Gardens has become very popular as my constituents look to flock to have COVID-safe picnics with their friends.
‘COVID safe’ has meant outside. Young people in particular in my electorate love to flock to Edinburgh Gardens to enjoy a few drinks and catch up with their friends.
Edinburgh Gardens, or Eddy Gardens as it’s known locally, is an institution.
However, it needs help. Residents have raised concerns that there are too many young misusing the park. Some residents want the council to ban alcohol consumption in the park.
That would not solve any of the issues.
Eddy Gardens need more toilets and more rubbish bins to meet the increased patronage. This is definitely a council issue, but council believe they do not have enough money to invest in park amenities. I fear the council will take the cheaper route.
If they banned alcohol, we would criminalise a rite of passage to save a couple hundred grand. This is absurd.
We need more outside events to maintain COVID safety. We should celebrate our wonderful parks.
However, it appears our councils need help to facilitate COVID safety.
The government needs to step in and save Edinburgh Gardens. We saw fantastic investment in our parks in the budget through the ‘safer, better parks fund’. This money has already been allocated, so I know we have just announced a massive budget, but we need to dip in again and save this wonderful park. That is why the action I seek is for the government to immediately invest in new toilet blocks and rubbish facilities at Edinburgh Gardens.
Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
Adjournment matter raised 10/12/20