Vibrant, accessible arts
We actively supports the Arts
Tackling poker machines
Poker machine losses in Victoria exceed $2.6 billion each year. These losses are directly linked to financial stress, mental health issues, anxiety, depression, reduced work performance, family violence and suicide. These harms must be reduced.
Sex and Censorship
A modern, best practice approach to adult industries Costings here.
Serious, achievable energy and environmental policy
We are serious about protecting and enhancing the environment and achieving energy emission targets
Sensible drug law reform
We will continue to argue for sensible, evidence-based drug policy reform
Safe Access Zones Around Women’s Health Clinics
Created 150m safe access (protest free zones) around women’s reproductive health clinics Fiona Patten is responsible for the Victorian Laws that created safe access zones around women’s reproductive health clinics. For too long, women accessing abortion services had been subject to verbal and psychological abuse designed to discourage them from accessing these services. In August…
Introduced legislation to legalise ridesharing and modernise the taxi industry. In February 2016, Fiona Patten introduced a private member’s bill to the Victorian Parliament to lift restrictions on ride-sharing services such as Uber. She did so in the context of an ongoing Government failure to keep pace with innovation and recognise emerging sharing economies. The…
Religious transparency
We will protect genuinely charitable work while cracking-down on tax avoidance and religious secrecy Victorian Parliamentary Budget Office Costings of my policy to remove ‘advancing religion’ as a charitable status:
Religious Accountability
I believe in freedom of and freedom from religion. We as Australian citizens have the freedom to think and believe what we want. We are entitled to enjoy our human rights while being protected from discrimination. Australia is a secular nation, enjoying the legal separation of religion and state, guaranteed by section 116 of the…
Real Public Health
Improved, accessible public health for all
Priority walking and cycling
We believe in improved, interconnected and safer walking and cycling paths
Outer-suburban liveability
Our interface councils (Whittlesea/Hume) are our fastest growing, yet least liveable areas in the Northern Metropolitan Region because they have been short-changed on services and infrastructure
Other Issues
I am evidence-based, and non-ideological in my approach to policy – I’ll support a good idea wherever it comes from. I am here to listen and I am outcome focused. I have successfully worked with the government of the day to achieve reform. It was my bill in Parliament that led to the legalisation of Ridesharing…
New rules to restore public confidence in MPs
The vested-interests and dogma of our major political parties has led to significant public distrust, which these rules will help rectify Costings here.
New rules to restore public confidence in MPs
The vested-interests and dogma of our major political parties has led to significant public distrust, which these rules will help rectify Costings here.
Mental health investment and early intervention
Victoria has the lowest per capita expenditure on mental health in Australia and two out of every three young people in Victoria seeking mental health services are turned away. We will advocate for investment in early intervention and support services. Costings here.
Medically Supervised Injecting Centre
Secured the first medically-supervised injecting centre (MSIC) in Victoria. In February 2017, Fiona Patten introduced the Drugs Poisons and Controlled Substances Amendment (Medically Supervised Injecting Centre Pilot) Bill 2017 to Parliament, with widespread support from experts, emergency responders, residents and local traders. She did so in response to escalating heroin overdose deaths in Victoria, including 34 deaths…
Investment in child health and childcare
We recognise that our population is growing and that a child’s first 1000 days sets their path for life.
Inquiry into Cannabis Use
Secured Australia’s first inquiry into the use of cannabis. Fiona Patten was able to gain support from the State Government and almost every member of the crossbench to pass her motion which resulted in Australia’s first inquiry into cannabis use. The Legal and Social Issues Committee, chaired by Ms Patten, will investigate how cannabis is…
Improved housing and rental affordability
We back workable, economic solutions to housing affordability that take a rational approach to Melbourne’s population growth
Honesty in politics
The public deserve a political system where their representatives act with integrity and in good faith Costings here
Future focused education
We recognise that strong education today will build the capability for a strong society and economy in the future
Extending Out of Home Care to 21
What is out of home care? ‘Out of Home Care’ refers to the statutory care of children and young people who are unable to live with their parents. There are currently 11,000 young Victorian’s living in out of home care. Currently, all of these children must leave care by their 18th birthday. That is around 800…
Extended Leaving Foster Care Age
What is home care? ‘Home Care’ refers to the statutory care of children and young people who are unable to live with their parents. There are currently 11,000 young Victorian’s living in out of home care. Currently, all of these children must leave care by their 18th birthday. That is around 800 young people in Victoria…
Evidence based criminal justice responses
We will adopt evidence based ‘smart-on-crime’ approaches proven to reduce offending and reoffending. Since 2015, our prison population has soared by 20%, with 44% of prisoners reoffending and returning to prison within 2 years. Existing major party policy stands to worsen this, whereas our whole of government approach will reduce reoffending and focus on the…
Efficient public transport
We pledge to make movement around Melbourne easier, with more reliable and more frequent trains, trams and buses
Dying with Dignity
Initiated the Parliamentary Inquiry that led to dying with dignity reform. In November 2017, Victoria became the first state in Australia to pass laws for physician assisted dying for terminally ill patients. From the middle of 2019, Victorians with a terminal illness will be able to request an assisted death if they meet certain criteria….
Decriminalising Sex Work
In 2019, Fiona Patten MP was appointed by the Victorian Government to lead an inquiry into laws governing sex work in Victoria, and to find the best way of decriminalising sex work in Victoria. The Government have announced a series of changes which flow from that report. They include: The government is providing an opportunity for people…
Bold business and innovation
We will support small business and innovation, the drivers of our future economy
Anti-vilification protections
Secured an inquiry into anti-vilification protections in Victoria In September 2019, Fiona Patten introduced a new piece of legislation designed to enhance the state’s anti-vilification laws. The Racial and Religious Tolerance Amendment Bill 2019 sought to extend Victoria’s anti-vilification laws — currently reserved to racial and religious vilification — to include hate speech based on…
An equal and safe society
We value and celebrate diversity and we are committed to removing discrimination from our society
A Spent Convictions Scheme for Victoria
Secured Spent Convictions Scheme for criminal records in Victoria. Fiona Patten introduced the Spent Convictions Bill in February, 2019. The purpose of the Bill was to provide for the expungement of certain offences from a person’s record where that person has not re-offended. After negotiating with the Andrews Government, an inquiry was ordered to make…
A plan for positive ageing
We recognise that with an ageing population, the percentage of people of workforce age will start to decline and costs in relation to aged and health care will rise. We will plan for this change.