But it is happening right now in the Victorian public health system.
So let’s change it!
When the USA Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, and with it nearly 40 years of abortion rights, it caused shockwaves across the globe. In Victoria, thousands took to the street in protest. The loss of that principle in the USA, felt like a loss to women and gender diverse people everywhere.
It caused us to ask, could it happen here too?
The very sad truth is that it is happening here. Right here and right now, in the Victorian public health system, women are being denied the right to contraception or abortion.
Under the Health Service Act, we have public hospitals, and we have denominational hospitals – essentially Catholic public hospitals. It is those publicly funded denominational hospitals that are denying women and gender diverse people the right to contraception or abortion.
If you are a private hospital, do what you want…
But in the public system, where patients do not have that choice, hospitals simply should not refuse people lawful public health services.
Women deserve better.
The public health system should not be limited by the views of a particular religion.
The Health Legislation (Conscientious Objection) Bill will change this.
Add your voice in support.
Write to your local member and ask them to support the Bill.