Health sector workforce
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (1517)
Incorporated pursuant to order of Council of 7 September:
My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Health, Mr Foley, and the action I seek relates to the wellbeing of our healthcare workers.
Our entire healthcare workforce is feeling the stress of working during a pandemic.
The Victorian government acknowledged the pressure the workforce was under when the previous minister announced extra funding for the nursing and midwifery health program and the Victorian doctors health program.
These programs offer free, independent and confidential support services for doctors and nurses who may be experiencing anxiety or depression, or have concerns about alcohol or drugs.
In a media release titled ‘More health support for our frontline heroes’, the government announced an extra $850 000 for these programs.
The issue I raise is that there are more healthcare workers experiencing stress than just doctors and nurses.
Take Grace, for example. She’s an occupational therapist who has been helping on COVID-19 wards during the latest outbreak. She experiences the same stress of the COVID ward, the same fear of infecting her household and the same vicarious trauma of watching people struggling to breathe, but she cannot access the same support for her mental health.
Her mental health should be treated with the same respect as her nursing colleagues. Whether they work in disability, aged care, sonography or occupational therapy, they are all experiencing high levels of stress because of this pandemic. They all deserve free and full support for their mental health.
That is why the action I seek is that the health programs for doctors, nurses and midwives to which I have referred be extended to all Victorian healthcare workers.
Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
Adjournment 15/9/21
The Victorian Government is committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of all healthcare workers who have worked tirelessly to care for the Victorian community during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
During the initial peak of the pandemic response in July 2020, the Department of Health provided the Nursing and Midwifery Health Program (NMHPV) with funding to extend its psychosocial support service to allied health practitioners.
Further funding was also provided in December 2020 to expand access for personal care workers employed within Victorian residential aged care facilities.
In November 2020, the Victorian Government released a $9.8 million Wellbeing Package for Our Health Heroes which included the establishment of a Healthcare Worker Wellbeing Centre to provide support, training and programs for clinical and non-clinical roles, across acute and community-based settings including hospitals, community health, aged care and primary care settings, The package provides support to all health care workers including:
- improved rest and recovery areas in health services to enable physical distancing and good infection control practices,
- additional psychosocial supports, peer training models and programs to support worker wellbeing in health services and registered community health services,
- targeted supports to identify and respond to family violence experienced by healthcare workers, and
- expansion of payments under the Better mental health provisional payments pilot across medical, nursing/midwifery, allied health and health service support staff.
In 2021 a $32 million package was provided to further support all healthcare workers (clinical and non-clinical) in health services offering a range of initiatives and practical supports for the workers and their families across the state. The program, implemented by Health Services and Ambulance Victoria, boosts healthcare workers wellbeing and safety, through a range of initiatives including:
- the provision of psychologists and counsellors on site to provide proactive supports to workers,
- coaching for staff in leadership roles,
- additional workplace rest and recovery spaces,
- meal delivery and healthy eating initiatives and
- programs targeting support for families.
The above wellbeing initiatives are in addition to existing employee assistance programs operated by individual health services that are accessible to all health service employees.
Martin Foley MP
Minister for Health
Minister for Ambulance Services
Date: 17/06/2022