Allison Milner


Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (10:05:15):

I rise to speak to the tragic death of popular University of Melbourne Associate Professor Allison Milner. Allison was killed, in what was a freak accident, by a falling tree on the walking track near Princes Park earlier this week.

A Reservoir resident, Allison was a much-loved wife and mother of two, and judging by the outpouring of grief amongst her colleagues at the University of Melbourne’s School of Population and Global Health, a popular and respected academic.

Head of the school, Professor Terry Nolan, said her heartbreaking death was an immense loss to the university community. Allison was ‘a young rising star’, ‘a wonderful human being’ and ‘an outstanding scholar who always strove to make a difference’, he said.

I wish to express my deepest, most sincere sympathies to Ms Milner’s parents, friends and colleagues at this difficult time, and especially to her husband and two boys, who must be dealing with an unimaginable loss.


Fiona Patten MP

Leader of Reason

Member for Northern Metropolitan Region

Statement made 14/8/19