Change Our Game pride match
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (09:48): On Sunday I had the great pleasure of attending Change Our Game Celebrating Pride in Women’s Footy, and this was at the Mail Oval in Parkville. It was hosted by my team, the Fitzroy Football Club, and the Melbourne University Women’s Football Club. The pride celebration, lunch and game were a brilliant way to show our support for the LGBTI footy community, and although it was not Fitzroy’s day it was a great day. All profits from the lunch went to Queerspace Youth at Drummond Street, which is a peer-led program for queer, trans, intersex, gender-diverse or questioning people aged 18 to 25. A big thanks and shout-out to Maddie Sheedy from the Melbourne University Women’s Football Club and the wonderful Joan Eddy, the president of the Fitzroy Football Club, for leading the way in breaking down barriers for LGBTIQ people in our sporting world.
Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
Members statement 5/5/21