Human Rights Law Centre

Ms Patten (Northern Metropolitan) — Last Friday I had the great pleasure of attending the Human Rights Law Centre’s (HRLC) annual fundraising dinner with my colleague Ms Pennicuik. It was in the stunning Plaza Ballroom. We were extremely lucky to have the sensational and moving Stan Grant as keynote speaker. He was joined by Victoria’s equal opportunity and human rights commissioner, Kristen Hilton, and the wonderful HRLC staff. The title, ’10 years of impact’, was apt. The HRLC’s advocacy for asylum seekers, the LGBTI community, the first peoples and other vulnerable groups has had an incredible impact. I have had the privilege of working with HRLC members in the push for safe access zones. The event was celebratory, and attendees gave generously, but it was also a reminder of the work ahead. Inequality, discrimination and practices that violate human rights are still present in Australia. I congratulate and thank the HRLC on a decade of advocacy.