Inner North Community Foundation


Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (09:52:04): I would like to recognise the Inner North Community Foundation, an independent community organisation based in Northern Metro.

The foundation was established in 2007 as an initiative of IntoWork Australia and is supported by Moreland, Yarra and Darebin councils. They manage philanthropic dollars to provide funds for projects that create prosperous, connected and cohesive communities in the inner north, particularly encouraging pathways to employment.

They have an emphasis on investing in local not-for-profit organisations through grants and other supports, connecting donors to local community groups by managing a donor network for people to contribute small and large donations as well as growing partnerships to expand community leadership across the region.

Since its establishment the foundation has given more than $3.7 million in grants to local municipalities, with funds being awarded across 30 different suburbs for 140 community organisations running innovative and creative programs that unlock the potential of our local community.

One recipient of their Pathways to Employment program was the Melbourne Food Hub, which supported 15 women from diverse back grounds to start a food business.

From Preston to Pascoe Vale, Reservoir to Richmond, Fawkner to Fitzroy, the foundation serves more than 400 000 people across 125 square kilometres. It is a big job for a small team, and I want to specifically single out executive director Ben Rodgers and community philanthropic manager Bianca Maciel Pizzorno for all the hard work they do.


Fiona Patten MP

Leader of Reason

Member for Northern Metropolitan Region

Members statement given 13/11/19