Jets Studio – Bundoora

Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:53:00) — I would like to use this moment to give a shout out to Jets Studio in my electorate and to say how really impressed I was with the work they are doing there — the ethos, the engagement and the real dedication of the staff at Jets Studio, which is a multifunctional creative arts youth facility that delivers a range of programs largely around music but also a whole bunch of the elements around music, whether it is album cover designing, posters or organising live events. It really was fabulous. It was great to see some of the kids who are participating there finally finding a space. A lot of those kids did not have a space that they felt comfortable with. They were not interested in football, they were not necessarily interested in other areas and nor could they afford to buy the instruments and learn the instruments that were provided at Jets. I just really wanted to give a shout out to this fantastic studio and the wonderful nurturing environment that they created there, be it by providing food or providing a very safe space.