Save our scene


Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) (12:58): I rise today to congratulate and thank the Save Our Scene group, who recently secured $20 million in support to save live music in Victoria and in Northern Metropolitan. I was happy to champion this cause directly to the Minister for Creative Industries and in this house. Live music is what makes Melbourne Melbourne. This package will save our favourite venues and fund new festivals and shows.

I would like to thank Simone Ubaldi from the Croxton Park Hotel, who created Save Our Scene. She was a champion advocate with the government, and she is clearly very good at it. But there were many others from venues across Melbourne: Lucie Ribush from Revolver, who designed the campaign, and Ben Thompson from 170 Russell, who coordinated the campaign. I would also like to publicly recognise the following people and groups who helped in the campaign: Liam Alexander, Paris Martine, Sasha Janssen, Bella Kranjek, Jason Moore and Kate Dunn, alongside great support from RRR, PBS, Bolster and Plakkit. Live music will come back stronger than ever.


Fiona Patten MP
Leader of Reason
Member for Northern Metropolitan Region
Members statement 16/11/21