Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) — I rise today with an offer to the members of this house in my statement. SEXPO, the health, sexuality and lifestyle exhibition, commences tomorrow at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre and is running until Sunday. As another auspicious anniversary, it is almost to the day 20 years since it held its first show in Kings Way in an exhibition space next to the chartered accountants annual conference. It has now been held 65 times around Australia, generated millions of dollars of revenue for host cities and created thousands of jobs, in particular here in Victoria where it is based. It now attracts more visitors per square metre than any other show at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Mr Barber — Even the boat show?

Ms PATTEN — Even the boat show, Mr Barber. The event provides a safe, comfortable space where visitors can be entertained and educated. It embodies the values of respect, consent, open-mindedness, acceptance, humour and of course equality. So successful is SEXPO that it has expanded internationally to South Africa and London, with further expansion planned for 2017. So my offer is this: I am willing to give a personal tour and double tickets to SEXPO, which I was a part of 20 years ago, to any member who wishes to join the tens of thousands of Victorians who will be attending the show. I have no doubt it will be a highlight of your weekend.

The PRESIDENT — Order! Thank you. I am just wondering what the accountants made of it all.