VicHealth Awards

Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) — Thank you very much for the mention. Speaking of finalists, last week along with a number of colleagues from this house I had the pleasure of attending the 2015 VicHealth Awards. I was very pleased to see the number of northern metro organisations and projects that made it into the final. That really recognised the hard work of these organisations and projects in supporting healthier and happier communities in my Northern Metropolitan Region.

I would like to recognise the northern metropolitan finalists for their innovative and clever projects: Darebin Says No to Family Violence, a film on that; the City of Melbourne’s Good Wheel project, which is encouraging bike use; Moreland’s interactive theatre The Safety Zone Project — You’re Not Alone; White Night’s I Could Have Danced All Night; Alexandra District Health’s Triangle Food Op Shop; the Aboriginal Rethink Sugary Drink social marketing campaign; For Love or Money, Women’s Health in the North’s film about financial abuse; and the North Melbourne Football Club’s Sisters through Sport program. Extra congratulations to the winners of the building health through art category, Tanderrum, from the Ilbijerri Theatre Company. It was a great night, and it is great to see such clever and innovative projects from Northern Metropolitan Region.