Work experience with Fiona Patten MP
Ms PATTEN (Northern Metropolitan) — This week I have the pleasure of hosting Kievan Van Dyke Goodman, a year 10 student from Fitzroy High School, in my office for work experience. Fitzroy High School has an innovative approach to learning, with very flexible classes and ‘advisory’ time, where students, under their own direction, catch up on work or work collaboratively. There is also a strong focus on engaging motivational speakers on a range of topics to provide a perspective from outside the classroom that other schools do not often enjoy.
The flexibility is fantastic, but Kievan tells me that there are still challenges, particularly in ensuring structured and consistent sex education. He also tells me that true drug harm minimisation strategies are lacking, with a ‘Just say no’ message being the only one that he and other students receive. He would like to change that. I thank Kievan and I hope he is enjoying his time here.