ACT reps give evidence to Victorian cannabis inquiry
By Melissa Coade | Image: Jessica Brown/ABC News via AP
An inquiry into the use of cannabis in Victoria will hear first-hand evidence from ACT representatives about laws that were passed regulating personal use and cultivation of the plant for personal use two years ago.
ACT politician Michael Pettersson has appeared at a Wednesday hearing for the inquiry to discuss his private members’ bill to regulate the personal use and cultivation of cannabis (or marijuana) which passed the ACT legislative assembly in 2019.
Pettersson was joined by Devin Bowles, ACT CEO Of the Alcohol Tobacco and Other Drugs Association, to comment on the territory’s experience regulating the drug at the Victorian parliamentary inquiry hearing.
Chair of the inquiry, Fiona Patten, said moves by the ACT to decriminalise the use and cultivation of cannabis in small quantities for adult use was a ‘major shift in government policy’.
“It is really important we hear from our interstate neighbours about how the new laws are operating as we look at the many different ways we could reform cannabis policy in this state,” Ms Patten said.
Read the full article on The Mandarin’s website.