Brothels, escort services and massage parlours to be reviewed under sex work probe

Alex White and Kieran Rooney, Herald Sun

Brothels, escort services and massage parlours will be put under the microscope as part of an unprecedented review in Victoria that could lead to the decriminalisation of sex work.

The state government launched the statewide sex work review today, which will be headed by Reason Party Leader Fiona Patten, who has been a long time advocate of sex workers’ rights.

The inquiry will investigate all forms of sex work with a focus on how to make workplaces safer, as well as ways to address the criminal activity plaguing the industry…

…Ms Patten said it was an “immensely proud moment”.

“The regulation of sex work has not undergone a significant review in Victoria since 1985 – and given calls for sex work reform across Australia and growing interest in decriminalisation – it is time to consider this reform.”

Read full article on the Herald Sun’s website.