Leader of the Reason Party Fiona Patten calls for Lord’s Prayer to be scrapped in Parliament

Mornings with Neil Mitchell

Leader of the Reason Party Fiona Patten has called for the Lord’s Prayer to be scrapped from parliament.

“I think we should be looking for an alternative to it,” she told Neil Mitchell.

“I don’t know any other workplaces that start with a prayer in the morning.


“In a secular institution like the parliament we should be doing something different.

“It makes it a bit like a Christian club.

“My personal preference would be a minute’s silence, where we think about what we’re going to do for the day.

“There are 153 religions in Victoria.”


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“Why did we choose a Lord’s Prayer?” Fiona asked Neil.

“Because that’s our history,” he said.

“It’d be nice if a few members of the parliament followed a few religious ethics.”


Listen to the rest of the segment here.