Convictions will be wiped from records of Victorians under a new scheme

Alex White, Herald Sun

Victorians who have been prosecuted for a minor crime in the past will be able to have their record clear under a new scheme set to be introduced, but there are a few conditions.

Under the new plan people who have committed a minor offence and demonstrated an ability to rehabilitate, will have their record removed.

However they will still appear when police checks, working with children checks and employment checks for sensitive government roles are carried out…

The inquiry into the issue was brought about by Reason Party MP Fiona Patten who is the chair of the Legislative Council’s Legal and Social Issues Committee.

She welcomed the announcement but said it did not go far enough.

“I am pleased that the government has supported all of the recommendations of the committee in principle, but there is some troubling devil in the detail,” she said.

“The response ignores key recommendations of the committee, particularly around Aboriginal Victorians.

“There must be an application process for individuals who did not meet automatic eligibility requirements.

“Right now Aboriginal people are disadvantaged by criminal record schemes generally, but also in relation to kinship care applications, where irrelevant convictions can mean that Aboriginal children aren’t able to be placed with grandparents or family”.

Read full article on the Herald Sun.