Cricket club goes two years without power to pavilion
A storm knocked out power to the Thornbury Turf Strokers’ pavilion at Yarra Bend Park in October, 2018. Almost two years later the club, despite its best efforts, is still waiting for electricity to be restored. Here’s why.

Paul Amy, Leader
The Thornbury Turf Strokers Cricket Club thinks it’s lucky to call A E Corben Oval home.
Strokers operations manager Steve Hazelwood describes it as “beautiful ground’’ within Yarra Bend Park.
But the small club, affiliated with the Mercantile Cricket Association, has a major problem: it has been without power to its pavilion for almost two years, and its efforts to have it restored have even reached Victorian parliament…
Local MPs Kat Theophanous and Fiona Patten have gone into bat for the club.
In response to questions from Patten, Victorian Energy, Environment and Climate Change Minister r Lily D’Ambrosio said in February that Parks Victoria was working towards replacing the power supply to the pavilion, toilet block and other infrastructure.
“Detailed planning is currently away, including securing approvals for relevant authorities. Works are planned for completion in the first half of 2020,’’ she said.
“The estimated cost of the project is $150,000.’’
She said Parks Victoria continued to work with the affected sporting clubs to “reduce the impact of the prolonged lack of power’’.
But the situation hasn’t changed.
Read the full article on the Herald Sun’s website.