Evidence and Experts Clear on Injecting Centre Trial

Victorian MP Fiona Patten has welcomed the findings of the Parliamentary inquiry into the Medically Supervised Injecting Centre (MSIC) Bill.

The Bill proposes an 18 month trial of a medically supervised injecting centre (MSIC) in North Richmond, where last year, 34 people died and hundreds overdosed requiring medical intervention.

“The Inquiry heard evidence that overwhelmingly endorsed the trial” she said. “Importantly, a Victoria Police submission to the inquiry did not oppose it either.”

Members visited the Kings Cross Safe Injecting Centre and the North Richmond hotspot.

“Three coronial reports have now recommended that a trial be established and they have been backed up by the AMA, the Salvation Army, the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, The Pharmacy Guild, The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, local government and paramedics”, she said.

“The local residents are not NIMBY about this issue at all and the traders of Victoria st have publicly supported it, as long as it wasn’t on Victorian st.

“Only one conclusion can possibly be drawn on the evidence put before the inquiry” she said. “That is, that the parliament must endorse this trial. Anyone who seriously looks beyond the findings, must see that the evidence is categorical”.

– MEDIA RELEASE             7 September 2017