Fiona Patten awards her best and worst in Victorian politics for 2019

Fiona Patten says Sustainable Australia MP Clifford Hayes was the colleague who impressed her most in parliament this year.
And the Liberal Party was the biggest disappointment.
Patten, leader of the Reason Party, was asked to award her best-on-ground and wooden spooner for 2019.
She said Mr Hayes, who entered the legislative council following last year’s election, had made an impressive start.
“He really thinks about every single one of his votes, and that’s what a crossbencher should do,” Ms Patten said.
“In his first year I saw him vote on some birth certificate stuff, some transsexual legislation, that would not have been where Clifford Hayes’ mind had ever gone in his life.
“But he thought about it and voted with the families – it was really impressive.”
Conversely, Ms Patten said the state Liberal Party hadn’t learned much from the thrashing it copped in the election.
“I think the Liberal Party is being opposition for opposition’s sake,” she said.
“They really need to lift their game and become an alternative government.”
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