Hemp trial growing strong

By Matt Taylor
Photo by Ben Gross
THE SuniTAFE farm team’s first trial hemp crop is growing well ahead of a March harvest. SuniTAFE has a two-year arrangement with Australian Primary Hemp to run trials at its Cardross farm.
Member for Mildura Ali Cupper and Reason Coalition leader Fiona Patten – who are both members of the Victorian Government’s industrial hemp taskforce yesterday toured the site, where the one-acre trial will produce enough hemp to build a house…
Ms Patten said the industrial hemp industry could be worth billions of dollars each year to Australia’s economy.
“This type of research in Mildura is going to be so beneficial for the industry, not just in Victoria but nationally,” the influential Victorian Upper House MP said.
“The seed industry itself is taking off. And the use of hemp seed as an alternative protein and high-fibre food is really being developed. “But when you look at other broader uses for hemp, the sky’s the limit.
“It can be used for building materials – and an acre of hemp that you see here can be used to build a house.”
Read the full article on the Sunraysia Daily’s website.