Homelessness: better prevention and more housing are key, says inquiry

By David Donaldson

Homelessness is a “solvable problem”, says the inquiry chair, “we know what needs to be done, we just need the will to carry it out”.

Victoria’s homelessness policy needs to be redesigned to emphasise prevention and increase the supply of affordable housing, argues the parliamentary committee looking into homelessness.

The system is stuck in a loop of crisis response, with vulnerable people cycling between stints in short-term accommodation, found the Legislative Council Legal and Social Issues Standing Committee…

“We really took the time to understand this complex issue and spoke with a range of people and organisations across Victoria, including people experiencing homelessness,” Committee Chair Fiona Patten said.

“Homelessness is getting worse. Now is the time we really need to turn our attention to the problem before it gets entirely out of hand.

“… We need to be smarter about where we direct our efforts. The two best things we can do are strengthen early intervention services and provide more secure, long-term housing for the homeless,”

Read the full article on The Mandarin’s website.